The Responsive Image module in Drupal 8 and later versions. Slideshow of a small sample of Documerica photos. RANDOM GRID SUPPORT Choose from random or fluid-style grids Create a masonry-style gallery or keep it classic with a standard, evenly spaced grid. The grid automatically adapts to your content and to mobile screen sizes. About 15,000 of these images are now online. Make your gallery up to 12 images across. See the latest celeb photo galleries and breaking news images from TMZ.com. The strongest 22,000-plus images were catalogued by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and made available to publications nationwide. Sound Ideas, SLIDE, CARTOON - FIDDLE SLIDE UP 01. By 1974, Documerica had produced more than 81,000 photographs by more than 100 photographers.

The data-title attribute is used to specify the detail displayed in the caption bar when your hover over an image. Responsive image sizes get processed by a site editor, whereas fluid gets processed by a browser. Unknown Slide Whistle Gliss Up Sound (high pitched) Unknown Seagulls Sound and Sound Ideas, SWIMMING - INDOOR: DIVE OFF SIDE, POOL, WATER 01. Below 1200px, the document will be fluid. For example, let’s say you had an image that had a natural size of 500px × 300px in a 1200px wide document. Create a Bootstrap modal to showcase all the large images in a popup slider. Add images to the photo gallery using Bootstrap grid system. Add your photos into the gallery using the data-url attribute instead. A better, albeit more complex approach to fluid images is to measure the width of the image as a percentage of the overall width of the page. Include the Bootstrap Photo Gallery 's script in your Bootstrap project which has jQuery library included. Load jQuery library and the jQuery latae plugin in the head section or just before the closing body tag. Latae is a simple, responsive, fluid jQuery / HTML5 photo gallery plugin which dynamically resizes and arranges images with different height / width in a neat, compact grid when viewport size changes.